Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Been a while
I have been doing some sewing though. Mainly, I've only had time for it while I'm at work. Thank goodness I have the kind of job where I can sew. I'm in a RR called My Favorite Things. I'm enjoying it but I think I'll let it be my last one for a while. This makes my third one this year and I think I need a bit of a break. I told myself that before this one but who can resist "My Favorite Things"? LOL Of course, I couldn't decide on just one Favorite Thing so I made mine the whole world. It's a landscape and the others in the RR are adding some beautiful things. There's a gorgeous tree and lots of flowers and birds. I can't wait to get it back! Meanwhile, I've done bits on three blocks and will get some pictures posted when I get a chance.
I'm also trying to get some ornaments done for a swap. Those are to be done by Saturday. I have 4 started (I started them in July, I think!) but am still embellishing. When that's done, I still have to assemble them.
I've also started a small piece of CQ for a gift. I'm still piecing that one because I KNOW I have this lovely bit of fabric and I can't put my hand on it. It's actually Christmas ribbon from a few years ago but it was gorgeous....snowy white with silver and blue pine cones....exactly what I need for this project. In the midst of all this other stuff, I'm working on cleaning out the closet where the Christmas stuff is stored so I might find some there. I have been known to reuse ribbon for years :) Actually, I'd reuse scotch tape if I could!
Another sewing project that I'm working on is a quilt for my g-daughter. It's a pineapple log cabin, paper pieced and should be really cute. I found some fabric that is all-over little girls. I cut the girls out and each block has a little girl in the center. There are 5 or 6 different girls.
And... I'm still embroidering quotes on the queen size CQ for my daughter.
And....oh yeah! I went to a seminar a couple weeks ago and want to put some of that new info into action... LANDSCAPES!
I need to shut this computer off now and go sew!
Friday, August 22, 2008
A finished project
Friday, July 25, 2008
Chose Blogs to Award Briliante Weblog
Brilliant Weblog Award
Friday, July 18, 2008
My Favorite Things RR
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wendy's Purple Color Study RR block
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Purple Round Robin - Lindy's block
Catching up with Round Robins
This is the block I just finished. It belongs to Lindy in Australia. This is part of a Green Garden Round Robin on Yahoo CqForNewbies.
Here are some closeups of the parts I did. I made the riboon heart that's on the left side. Also the vine and rose on the upper right. For seam treatments I did the dark green seam running "Northwest" of the ribbon heart and then added a few things to seams that were already embellished. I ran some green variegated perle cotton through the dark green lace and added some french knots to a row of blanket stitch on the very top patch. I hope Lindy likes it!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Pam's Avocado Block
That green ruffle is some new trim that I found that I really liked. It's Wright's Elastic Metallic Ruffle. It is elastic down the middle with this wispy ruffle of what might be mylar. What I liked best was that I could pull it through to the other side. I alternated, pulling first from one side and then the other to make scallops and then layered two strips of it. I stitched it on with seed beads and was pleased with the results. I hope Pam is also!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Avacado Round Robin
Sunday, April 6, 2008
CQ Bracelet

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I don't seem to have taken a closeup of the block to the left of the big one but here's the one to the right. The saying was something my Grandpa used to say: Meet me at (wherever). If you get there first, make a mark in the dirt and if I get there first, I'll rub it out!
I really enjoyed working on this block but, of course, now I see things I would do differently.

Here's my Sweetie-pie. She likes to try on every dress I buy to chop up. This purple is a good heavy satin...should make up nice!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Avocado Round Robin
I also did two seams. The one to the left of the tent is Chevron stitch overlaid with Herringbone in two shades of green. Then I added Lazy Daisies on the X's and a seed bead to the intersections of the longer threads. The seam to the upper right of the motif is also mine...I forgot the name of the stitch...something "French-sounding" :) It's basically two rows of stem stitch and then in between you make 3 satin stitches in stacks at intervals and then come back making looping circles. The book called for French knots in the circles but I did a sequin with a seed bead instead.
Now, off to work on the one I have for the Purple round robin, Groovy Grapes...and the Food Fight swap...not to mention the quilt I'm working on for my daughter. Fun!!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Purple Round Robin

Monday, February 18, 2008
Mom's Quilt
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The "wedding quilt" I made for my step-daughter. It's folded here. A queen-size quilt makes for a rather large wallhanging!
As I was working on it, I kept thinking how fun it would be to make something from my own choices so when I finished hers, I started one for myself. I'm far too lazy and sloppy to do proper "piecing" so I just put bits together (I still didn't really realize I was crazy quilting). I did a little embroidery on scraps and cut up some dresser scarves from yard sales, and when the blocks were done, I couched some sequin strands and lace and things on. When my mom saw it, she told me it was "kind of like a crazy quilt". I got online and saw what was out here and I was HOOKED! I started one for my other daughter, then put that aside to make one for my mom. Mom's started as a lap robe but I kept seeing new techniques and adding more blocks and it turned out to be twin-size. With all the beads and embroidery, though, it might squash her so it hangs on the wall :) I took it to the county fair last year and won a blue ribbon (first prize) and Boy was I proud! Then I found out Iwas the only entrant in the category! Would have been pathetic to NOT win first place! Anyway, by the time I got back to my daughter'squilt, I had learned more and I wasn't satisfied with what I had done on hers so I tore it up and started over. I've got her blocks finished now and am embroidering the sashing as I assemble it.
So that's how I started. Iaccidentally made 2 crazy quilts before I realized what I was doing and now I'm on my fourth one and making plans for one for my grand-daughter!