Thursday, September 16, 2010

I finished up a couple of small items. One is a hat for my sister-in-law in Florida. She is going through chemo and I thought that a little something pretty in her mailbox might cheer her up. It did :)

I lined this with the softest satin I had and used a lightweight fleece for the band. Having lived in FL I can tell you that even though the heat is still get cold because of the air conditioning. I hope that this is comfortable.

For my sister-in-law in Virginia I made a pin cushion. It's mostly silk and the stuffing is wool. The pretty blue button on top is from my sister-in-law's grandma's button box! Hope she likes it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What a year!

I saw it's been nearly a year since I posted here so thought I'd better catch up a bit. My world has gone topsy turvy on me but is beginning to level out a bit now.

My last post was about not having the sewing room done. In October and November, Donnie, Gene and I worked and got Nancy's bedroom and the sewing room done. After Thanksgiving, I was still working on getting my space organized but was starting to sew there a bit. Gene made a joke about that since it was such a nice room now, that maybe he would trade it for his room...he laughed when he said it though. A couple days later, on December 4, he was killed in a car wreck.

It's been nearly 8 months and every day is still a struggle but we are beginning to get closer to whatever our "new normal" is going to be. We have custody of his daughter, thank goodness and she keeps us busy.

I worked on several things over the winter. One thing I made was a big braided rug from Gene's T-shirts. The stretch in the shirts makes for a really lousy rug but it was therapeutic for me and Nancy loves the rug in her room. I also made a wallhanging with a lot of embroidery and beadwork on it. I haven't taken pictures yet but will.

I finished one little trinket box and entered it in the fair. It didn't win anything but I didn't really expect it to. I entered it in "embroidery" even though there was very little embroidery on it. No other category seemed to fit though. They need an "Altoid Tin" category!